Myer will discuss 10% disability employment target

By Graeme Innes, Disability Discrimination Commissioner

Great news. Myer have just agreed to a meeting to discuss my challenge for a 10% disability employment target -- thank you so much for your support so far. 

In response to thousands of emails and messages on social media, Myer got in touch saying they'll meet with the Australian Human Rights Commission including discussing "what employment opportunities might exist for people with a disability". It's a start.

Right now, employment of people with a disability is 30% lower than the general population. And that's not because we cannot work, or because we aren't dedicated and hard-working -- it's largely because of the negative and limiting views held about people with disability

But with help from people like you, we're starting to change this. It looked incredibly unlikely there would be positive action out of Myer CEO Bernie Brooke's comments about the National Disability Insurance Scheme levy. But then you and 37,000 others joined my petition on -- and now one of Australia's largest retail chains has come to the table willing to discuss disability employment. 

The budget handed down yesterday confirmed a well-funded National Disability Insurance Scheme, a huge step in filling gaps that existed in our welfare system. The next stop is jobs for people with disability. And I know we can get there if Myer and other big retailers step up with real plans to support people with disability getting into the workforce.

This is the challenge I've been issuing to all major companies, not just Myer. Your support reinforces the importance of that challenge, and gives me hope that we can kick-start meaningful change to disability employment levels.

Thank you once again for your support. I'll keep you updated on progress from the meeting!