Pain is not a whinge issue: medical marijuana in NSW

this is good news, but medical use of marijuana should be extended to other
chronic severe disabling pain patients & consideration should be given
to specific legality being extended to certain synthetic analogues currently available for purchase.
these drugs can work where NSAIDs/paracetamol doesn't & is a good
alternative to or addition to opiates if it works for the patient.
pain is not a whinge issue.
Also psychological issues related to illness, disability and medication side effects need specific funding & equitable access practices.

Parliamentary support for medical marijuana in NSW
By state political reporter Sarah Gerathy

Updated 16 minutes ago
Map: NSW

A New South Wales parliamentary inquiry is recommending that terminally
ill patients and people with AIDS be allowed to legally possess and use
up to 15 grams of marijuana for medical purposes.

An Upper House committee's calling for the State Government to change
the law so people with specific medical conditions and their carers can
possess a small amount of leaf cannabis, without being prosecuted.

Only the patients themselves would be legally allowed to use the drug
and their names would be kept on a register after their treating
specialist certified they had a terminal illness or AIDS.

One of the Labor MPs on the committee Adam Searle says it is significant
the report was unanimous.

"There are many issue that divide us as politicians," he said.

"We've put all those aside to address the issue of real human suffering."

The committee has also recommended the state's Health Minister write to
her federal counterpart to express support for the development of more
approved and affordable cannabis-based pharmaceuticals.



The pharmaceutical drugs distributed by mental health institutions are much more dangerous than cannabis, but people should have the right to consume the herbal variety of cannabis as opposed to the artificially created cannabis-based pharmaceuticals.