What if every roof in Australia utilised the awesome power of the sun?

What if every roof in Australia utilised the awesome power of the sun? We'd glitter from space.

Imagine that. We'd reduce emissions, help end the coal and CSG mining expansion and we'd all save money. In fact, new research has found that approximately 134 per cent of the country’s residential electricity needs could be met if every suitable rooftop was converted to solar power1.

Australia is a lucky country with an incredible abundance of natural resources. We're the sunniest country in the world, but even countries like Scotland and Germany are outdoing us when it comes to realising our renewable energy potential. This is why Australians are taking control, and doing what government and big industry won't.

Already one million Australian households have joined the rooftop revolution using their very own roofs and GetUp members have said they want the opportunity to make the shift to renewable energy. Click here to join them and be part of the rooftop revolution with GetUp and Sungevity:


We want to make using the power of the sun as easy and affordable as possible. Unfortunately, none of us are particularly adept at building or installing solar panels, so we've found a partner who can help.

GetUp has teamed up with Sungevity Australia and based on the success many of our environmental friends, such as The Sierra Club and The Wilderness Society in the United States, have had working with Sungevity we are confident this one-off partnership will help the GetUp membership achieve our goals of powering Australia on renewable energy. Look at the Sierra Club for instance, whose members have installed enough solar systems to generate nearly 80 million kWh of solar power which has saved 85,181 metric tons of carbon from going into the atmosphere, the equivalent of planting 1,985,569 trees.

Here's how it works: If you live in a place that will allow rooftop solar panels, Sungevity will provide you with a pay-as-you-go solar power system for your roof. You use less coal based electricity (awesome) so your energy bill is less, helping offset the cost of the system, which you pay a bit for each month. The environment also wins as more people switch from fossil fuel consumption to renewable energy consumption and it's a win for our continued climate efforts because GetUp will receive $150 per person which will go directly towards helping expand our climate campaign.

Click here to receive a quote on solar: http://au.sungevity.org/getup

This is a new kind of initiative for GetUp, and we're really excited about the possibilities for big consumer-led change on climate and renewable energy in Australia.

Around the world the rooftop revolution is already kicking off. It's fast becoming more cost effective than dirty fossil fuels. In Italy and India, solar is already as cost effective as polluting fuels, and economists say other countries will soon follow.

It doesn't matter who you make the switch with, the main thing is making it easy for everyone who wants to go solar. We hope this campaign will serve to not only facilitate a solar shift in Australia, but that it will also save you some money while we do it.

Transitioning away from unsustainable CSG, coal and oil is a game changer, so we say game on.

Let's start something special,
Sam, Paul and Erin for the whole GetUp team.

PS - We know this is a bit different to our usual campaigns, but it's a real win-win idea that's already working. For example, GetUp member Kym from Brisbane decided to go solar using this plan, and not only is she reducing her carbon emissions by 3320kg per year, she is also saving $34.43 per month on her home power bill! Click here to join the rooftop revolution: http://au.sungevity.org/getup

PPS - Already have solar? Great! Consider joining the Solar Citizens community: http://www.solarcitizens.org.au/

[1] Brass, Nick. If every house had solar... Climate Spectator. April 11, 2013.
