Vote for party with the best climate policy


Kevin Rudd and the opposition want to sweep the issue of climate change under the rug this election. We can't let that happen -- sign a petition to vote for party with the best climate policy:

No action on climate change until 2013?!

Kevin Rudd described it best: "What absolute political cowardice; what absolute failure of leadership." That was the old Kevin Rudd, who was actually trying.

The new Kevin Rudd wants to sweep climate change under the rug for years -- and the opposition is far worse. But if neither of them is spurred to act by impending disaster or moral responsibility, let's raise the stakes: Imagine if 100,000 of us were to band together and commit to voting for the party with the best climate policy -- that could get them moving!

Let's make it happen -- click below and sign the petition to be a climate voter, then let's forward this to everyone we know:

Kevin Rudd won the 2007 election on a platform of leadership. With bi-partisan support for an emissions trading scheme, he signed Kyoto proudly -- Australia was set to lead the world. Now, even as the science tells us we need to act urgently, the government has delayed Australia's response by another 3 years. It's unacceptable.

Kevin Rudd once said to the UN: ''Every time a nation delays, every time a nation puts up its hand and says, 'It's all too hard', is a further excuse to put off the measures we need to take."

The rest of the world isn't waiting: Japan is preparing its own emission trading scheme, Europe's is already in place, and Norway has committed to reduce emissions 30-40% by 2020. They're racing ahead to a greener, cleaner and more secure future. It's just Kevin Rudd saying "it's all too hard".

Our pledges can show that the greatest political danger is inaction. Sign the petition and join thousands of others to vote for preserving our land, our planet and our future:

We can build a new kind of politics, where promises are kept and leaders look beyond the daily polls. To do it, we'll have to demonstrate that we, the voters, will settle for nothing less. Let's show our leaders how it's done.

With hope,

Ben, Raluca, Iain, Paul and the whole Avaaz team.


"Rudd's retreat shames politicians of all stripes" - Sydney Morning Herald, 29 April 2010

"CPRS delay case rings hollow" - The Climate Institute

Norway to cut emissions 30-40% by 2020 - Third World Network

Public opinion on climate change before the 2007 election - Newspoll, 2007

"Emissions U-turn bucks world trend" - The Age, 1 May 2010

"Delay on climate action a slap in the face for youth" - Sydney Morning Herald, 28 April 2010

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