AVAAZ puts people power into court


Big businesses and governments around the world hire expensive lawyers to protect their interests, often by twisting the law to undermine the public good. It's a problem for many campaigns, but we've got a solution: put together a crack legal team that can meet the legal bullies head on in court.

We know this works: when Avaaz made legal submissions against Rupert Murdoch's bid to control over half the UK's private media, an official inquiry showed our challenge was a key element in blocking the takeover. When a Murdoch-style news channel in Canada tried to get public subsidies to get on air, we threatened legal action, they backed down, their CEO resigned, and they pulled their bid.

Right now, we're deep in battle against a Canadian mining company for abuses against an indigenous community in Guatemala. And in South Africa we are taking on a government agency over political censorship. Individuals and local organisations often don't have the funds or the power to stand up to the powerful. But together we can help them, and take on these lengthy and costly litigations.

We already have some of the world's best lawyers on our side. Now, all it takes is a small contribution from each of us to build out a crack legal team to work with the victims, develop creative and bold legal arguments to bring the truth to court, and couple them with a cadre of media whizzes who can turn the court case into a PR storm. Click to pledge now -- we'll only process donations when we get enough to make a difference -- let's bring people-power to court:


The need for this is huge. Recently, Avaaz member-funded ads to save South Africa's lions from slaughter were ripped down, with no explanation, in violation of the South African Constitution. Right away Avaaz responded by launching a legal case to reinstate the ads.

As well as helping save the lions, our case is an important vindication of free speech rights across South Africa. The media filled with stories of our lawsuit, slamming the government for their political censorship. We began winning the battle even outside of the courts!

From big polluters, to big agriculture and big pharma, to freedom of expression, the legal bullies bankrupt their opponents with expensive legal strategies. But if we all pledge now, Avaaz could step into the courtroom and win. Click below to pledge and help give people a fighting chance to make the law work for the common good, not private power:


Legal smarts and staying power don't just help us win change. They also protect us. Time and again we receive scary letters from big corporations or political leaders threatening us with lawsuits unless we take down a campaign targeting them. Most charities are scared to death of the time and expense and publicity of being taken to court, and these tactics can silence them. But not us, because we're funded solely by our members, and a community of 21 million people can't be easily intimidated.

Together, Avaaz members have fought for justice online, in the streets, in government offices and knocking down corporate doors - and we are winning. Now, let’s supercharge our campaigning abilities with the legal tools to make sure people power gets its day in court.

With hope and determination,

Emma, Ian, Alice, Paul, Emily, Christoph, Ricken and the whole Avaaz team

Avaaz – the online activist network that is targeting Rupert Murdoch's bid (The Guardian)

Zuma lion advert sparks legal battle (IOL News)