36,000 signatures and a weekend full of negative coverage for Jetstar


I've just returned home from delivering a giant paper aeroplane, printed with all our 36,000 signatures so far, to Jetstar HQ in Melbourne. It was a huge day on Friday -- we've had coverage on Channel 7, 9, 10 nightly news, The Project, in The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, News.com.au, and many many more.

We've got their attention. Jetstar's head of corporate affairs says they'll "consider this when they next review fees" -- and they've just had a weekend full of negative coverage about their excessive surcharges.

Right now is our best chance to win this. Can you help me up the pressure today by flooding them with questions asking whether they'll act on the petition this week? Post a question on Jetstar's Facebook page right now.

Or email them on jetstarmedia@jetstar.com -- every email and post will show them this issue isn't going away, and they need to drop their fees.

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Jetstar's excessive credit card fees annoy me no end. But what's more -- if they're allowed to get away with keeping their surcharges I'm worried it could lead to lots of other retailers getting away with keeping or even adding credit card surcharges to their products.

Help me keep building numbers on the petition (forward this email to a friend now!) -- and email Jetstar's media team on jetstarmedia@jetstar.com asking them what they're doing to act on our petition right now. 


Klaus Bartosch