Anyone, anywhere, can create the change they want to see.

It's a simple idea: a world where no one is powerless and anyone, anywhere, can create the change they want to see.

Australians are using to save their local bus route, tackle homophobia in the AFL, win safer conditions for Coles factory workers, and stop trees being cut down at a primary school -- bringing that vision to life across the country.

Today, one million Australians are using -- starting, signing and sharing petitions to win change on issues they care about. Hundreds of petitions are winning every month. Some large, some local -- but what they all have in common is proving that together, people are powerful.

And that's the remarkable shift. For years, decisions have been controlled by the same powerful voices -- who already have the most influence. But that's all changing. Everyday people like you, armed with new technologies, are coming together around the issues that matter to them. And you've never been more powerful.

Forward this text to someone you know who might like to use to tackle a problem or issue they care about -- or start your own petition in just a few minutes.

Thanks for being a part of it.

Karen, Tony, Nathan and the team.

P.S. Here's a photo that some users are already sharing on social media today -- encouraging their friends to turn Facebook rants into real change by starting a petition.

Join them?