Ecuador: Excavators threaten spectacled bears


The spectacled bear is extremely rare in South America

Dear friends of the rainforests,

The montane rainforests of Ecuador's Intag region are home to a huge biodiversity, including endangered animals such as the spectacled bear. 

Right in the spectacled bear's habitat an unexploited copper reserve is to be exploited. The montane rainforests with all their animal and plant species as well as the people living there would all have to give way to the planned opencast mines in the Toisan mountains.

For many years Rainforest Rescue has been supporting the inhabitants of the Intag region which is the area north of the capital Quito. The support has shown success: twice, the residents were able to prevent the plans of the Ecuadorian government and international mining companies.

Now, the mining lobbyists have started a third attempt. Please support the people of the Intag region with your signature, so that they can stop the mining plans once again:


Thanks for being involved,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)

Farmers and environmental groups are protecting the forest

Buying montane rainforest in Ecuador's Intag region

“Thanks to donations from Rainforest Rescue, we have been able to buy more than 3,000 hectares of montane rainforest so far”, Silvia Quilumbango says. “The protected communal forests are our future. They have united us, opened up new employment opportunities, and helped keep the mining companies at bay.”


Rainforest Rescue

Jupiterweg 15, 22391 Hamburg, Germany  •

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GLS Bank
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