Jetstar CEO's hypocrisy is breathtaking

The hypocrisy is rather breathtaking. There's now more than 34,000 of us asking Jetstar to drop their credit card surcharge, but instead of responding, Jetstar's CEO has been in the media talking up their customer service. In a media interview last fortnight she said "the customer is much higher on our agenda than the past..." 

We've posted on facebook, and been blocked. We've sat on hold and our emails have gone unanswered. Thousands of complaints are stacking up without response, yet Jetstar's CEO Jayne Hrdlicka is publicly claiming they are being more receptive to customers' concerns? 

We can't let that stand. It's time for Jetstar's CEO Jayne Hrdlicka to live up to her own words by listening to her customers and dropping the ridiculous $8.50 credit card surcharges.

Can you Like and Share this image on Facebook now to help me call out Jetstar's CEO Jayne Hrdlicka for ignoring thousands of complaints?

(when you share the image, tag their company facebook page by adding @Jetstar Australia into your post - it'll help ensure they see it)

Jayne Hrdlicka started with Jetstar in late 2012 -- and has staked her reputation on building a more customer-focussed approach to businesses. Being just months into her new job, we have an opportunity right now to ensure she lives up to that promise, and get Jetstar to drop their $8.50 credit card surcharges.

Share the image on Facebook now -- and help me keep building numbers on the petition by sharing it with friends and family. CEOs and executives of other big retailers and airlines are sure to be watching what happens from here. And that gives us an unique opportunity to send a clear message that consumers aren't going to sit by while companies keep charging us exorbitant fees to bump up their profit margin.

Thanks for the help. Let's end these ridiculous credit card fees!


