Letting your roof for solar power

Have you ever thought about producing solar power with the house you own or rent? A new not-for-profit green campaign is promoting an idea attractive to home owners and tenants. 

It’s to lease roofs to companies that install solar panels, which after a few years become the house owner’s property. The panels cut power bills, which has to be good for renters, owners and the environment. 

“Every Rooftop” is a new campaign by the non-profit organisation, Green Cross Australia, to increase the roof space being leased to produce solar electricity. Solar leasing is a common practice in Europe and the USA, but is only just taking off in Australia.

Nearly one million Australian homes have gone solar - an estimated 8% of all suitable homes. Market conditions have changed recently and subsidy programmes are drying up around the country. Many households and businesses may feel they missed the window to switch to solar.

The upfront capital cost of purchasing a system can be a significant barrier to potential solar power users. But global market expansion, reduced production costs and the emergence of innovative finance solutions open up new exciting opportunities.

“The Wire”, a current affairs service offered to 270 community radio stations, has heard about them from the Green Cross CEO and a South Australian businessman who rents roofs.

You can find out more from Green Cross Australia on 07 3003 0644, info@greencrossaustralia.org or everyrooftop.org.au.

The radio report (3 mins 56 secs) is attached. The Wire website is http://www.thewire.org.au/default.aspx

