SEP Public Meetings: Fifteen Years of the World Socialist Web Site - Melbourne

Date and Time: 
Saturday, April 6, 2013 -
4:00pm to 6:00pm
Image icon WSWS 15th year.jpg52.68 KB
Kaleide Theatre, Building 8, RMIT, Swanston Street, Melbourne, near Melbourne Central railway station Parking $6 flat rate at 224 Latrobe St opposite Melbourne Central

In the 15 years since the World Socialist Web Site began publication on February 14, 1998, it has established itself as the most widely read and authoritative socialist publication in the world, accessible in 19 different languages.

The WSWS has exhaustively analysed, with an unequalled degree of accuracy and insight, the last decade and a half of deepening political, economic, social and cultural crisis. It has sought to not only cover daily international developments, but to reveal, utilising the incomparable tools of Marxist dialectical and historical materialist analysis, the truth in what is happening. At the same time—consistent with the site’s aim of developing socialist consciousness within the working class and a critical revolutionary attitude toward all aspects of contemporary society—the WSWS has written extensively on questions of art, culture, and science.

The WSWS and the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) are proud to announce that David North, chairman of the WSWS International Editorial Board and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party in the US, will speak at public meetings in Sydney and Melbourne on the political significance of the site’s 15th anniversary. North is the author of numerous articles, essays and books on contemporary politics, on the history of the Fourth International and on the political legacy of Leon Trotsky. We warmly invite all readers of the WSWS and supporters of the SEP to attend.

Tickets: $5 or $3 concession

Event on Facebook

Visit the Fifteen Year Anniversary page of the WSWS
