Strategies for Sustainability Conference

Date and Time: 
Sunday, April 21, 2013 -
9:30am to 6:00pm
Fitzroy Town Hall, 201 Napier Street, Fitzroy

It is clear that our current civilisation's dependence on continuous economic growth and massive energy consumption are coming under increasing pressure from the reality of a finite planet. We simply must make significant changes to the way we live if we are to survive. The coming global crisis will undoubtedly require people to come together and share their best ideas and strategies. It is a human challenge like no other, and you are a key part of it.

Nicole Foss, supported by Sustainability Showcase, is coming to Australia this autumn to lead 'The Automatic Earth Australia Wide Tour', a series of participatory forums with people and organisations who are at the forefront of awareness-raising, strategising and action to address the imminent and interconnected crises of economies, resources and ecologies.

Nicole is a highly regarded international speaker and sustainability expert, and is co-editor of The Automatic Earth, where she chronicles and interprets the ongoing credit crunch as the most pressing aspect of our current multi-faceted global predicament. The Automatic Earth website integrates finance, energy, environment, psychology, population and realpolitik in order to explain why we find ourselves in a state of crisis and what we can do about it.

The tour will be coming to Melbourne on Sunday April 21st for 'Strategies for Sustainability', a full-day change agents' extravaganza! Hosted by Doing It Ourselves and supported by the City of Yarra, the panel will include Nicole Foss, Geoff Mosley (Australian director of CASSE), Theo Kitchener (founder of the grassroots change agency Doing it Ourselves) and Adrian Whitehead (co-founder of Beyond Zero Emissions).

Not just your average speaker tour, Sustainability Showcase emphasises audience participation with roundtable sessions for collaboration and inspiration, bringing together like and unlike-minds under the umbrella of shared intent, goals and understandings. The stated objective is to converge rather than compete for strategic solutions to our global crisis. Be prepared to participate and network at this event that intends to catalyse momentum for change!

Please circulate through your networks. Tickets are limited and selling fast!

We hope to see you there,
Doing It Ourselves

The Automatic Earth Australia Wide Tour - Melbourne
Date: Sunday April 21st
Time: 9:30am - 6pm (registration from 9am)
Location: Fitzroy Town Hall, 201 Napier Street, Fitzroy
Cost: $25 ($20 early bird/concession)
Food: Morning and afternoon tea provided. We strongly encourage you to bring your lunch so you can chat/mingle in the lunch break. Alternatively, there are many cafes within walking distance.

Useful links:
The Automatic Earth Australia Wide Tour
Doing It Ourselves
Doing It Ourselves Facebook page
The Automatic Earth
Sustainability Showcase
