International Journal of Indigenous Peoples calling for papers

By Helen Ross

AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples is calling for papers to be submitted now for 2010 publication.

AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples is a multidisciplinary peer-review journal. It aims to present Indigenous worldviews from native Indigenous perspectives. It is dedicated to the analysis and dissemination of native Indigenous knowledge that uniquely belongs to cultural, traditional, tribal and aboriginal peoples as well as first nations, from around the world.

AlterNative Dialogue

Dedicated to the advancement of critical dialogue by, with and for native Indigenous peoples across the globe.

Submissions responding to this general call for papers should relate to one or more of themes of the journal — origins, place, peoples, community, culture, traditional and oral history, heritage, colonialism, power, intervention, development and self-determination.

Submission and Deadline Details

AlterNative primarily accepts substantive articles (5000–7000 words) that address a particular indigenous topic/theme. Also, short timely commentaries (2000–3500 words) that address critical issues and reviews of indigenous books and edited volumes are also accepted.

Author guidelines, including format and referencing styles, for submitting articles, commentaries and book reviews can be found on the AlterNative website.

AlterNative particularly encourages indigenous scholars to contribute submissions. Specialists and practitioners working on indigenous issues are also welcome.

We welcome submissions throughout the year, although encourage scholars to submit as soon as possible for 2010 publication. Please upload your paper through the online form, available at

Feel free to contact us directly with any questions you might have:

Please pass on to others who may be interested, or invite them to join the facebook group to keep up to date with the journal.

Phoebe (journal coordinator)
Helen (publications manager)