Powerlink project to destroy prime koala habitat (video)

By Save Eumundi Team

Koalas are under threat of extinction. Powerlink’s highly controversial power-line project through Noosa Biosphere will destroy the last remaining healthy koala habitat and unique nature corridor in Noosa’a hinterland. Destruction of our biodiversity means extinction of our significant and iconic species. There are alternatives.

Please watch the video at http://www.saveeumundi.org/2010/04/destroying-koala-habitat/

Scientists refute claims made by Powerlink and their consultants, Parsons Brinckerhoff. Inadequate surveys and no koala mapping carried out in the affected area. Also at risk is the most northern colony of the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly and its habitat. PAGE’s proposed solution is to use a common infrastructure corridor, avoiding further destruction of our diminishing wildlife habitat. The Qld government ignores its own SEQ Regional Plan and common sense to impose high voltage EMF’s on local residents.

Population growth in SE Queensland is not sustainable and is driven by developers. Think globally, but act locally. We need to protect our wildlife heritage for our children and our children’s children before it is taken away forever.

What you can do to help
It’s time people power put a stop to this proposed Powerlink project and adopt lesser impact solutions.

Write to Queensland’s Premier, Anna Bligh, and ask her to protect this valuable koala habitat - habitat that will be destroyed if Powerlink continues with their project.

Write and speak with your local MP.

Contact all local media outlets and let them know what is planned for this koala habitat.

Send this video link to all your friends and family.

See also http://www.noosacommunityradio.org/the-koala-has-brought-down-governments/