International Workers Memorial Day April 28th 2010

Contact Phone: 
Renata Musolino
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 -
9:30am to 11:00am
Contact Name: 
Renata Musolino
9.30 am Argyle Square Lygon Street 10.00 am Trades Hall Lygon Street/Victoria Parade

International Workers Memorial Day 2010

Ten Victorian workers have already died at work in 2010.
Thousands of workers have already been injured or made ill from their work before this year - and many more will be before the year iis through.

People continue to be killed because of their work - more die because of work than in wars. Most don't die of mystery ailments, or in tragic "accidents".
They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn't as important a priority as profit. Workers’ Memorial Day commemorates those workers.

Worker’s Memorial Day is held on 28 April every year, all over the world workers and their representatives conduct events, demonstrations, vigils and a whole host of other activities to mark the day. The day is also intended to serve as a rallying cry to “remember the dead, but fight like hell for the living”.

International Workers Memorial Day, Wednesday 28 April 2010, is the day the union movement unites globally to mourn .the dead and fight for the living.
Later this month the general union movement will be gathering at 9.20am at Argyle Place, Lygon St (two blocks north of Trades Hall) for an event to mark the day.
This event will be held in conjunction with IDSA (Industrial Deaths Support and Advocacy).

The global theme for the day is "Unions Make Workplaces Safer" Victorian unions proposed amending this to "Unions and Health and Safety Representatives Make Workplaces Safer" - proposal accepted by the ACTU and labour councils around Australia. The International Trade Union Confederation has put out a call to union members everywhere to use this day for deepening discussions on the need for workers to have safe and sustainable working conditions, and for unions to step up their efforts in fighting for safe and healthy workplaces for all.

The most updated international information shows that there are almost 360,000 fatal occupational accidents in any year, and almost 2 million fatal work-related diseases. Every day, more than 960,000 workers get hurt because of accidents and on average 5,330 workers die because of work-related diseases . “Unions play a critical role in stopping this workplace carnage,” said Guy Ryder, General Secretary of the ITUC. “This 28th April is the time to put occupational health and safety back on the agenda of governments and enterprises and show it is a key element of a sustainable future for our people”.

The theme from last year, “Good Occupational Health for All Workers” and our focus last year on the current National Review into Model OHS Laws, continues. The process has progressed, with a model Act more or less completed, but the work, and the battle to maintain the protections we currently have, continues, with the next step being the regulations and codes.

28th April is - the International Day of Commemoration of Dead and Injured Workers - and unions on a daily basis make our work safer.

Events in Victoria

At Trades Hall
A commemoration ceremony is being organised by the VTHC jointly with IDSA. Speakers will include VTHC Assistant Secretary, David Craig, a speaker from IDSA and a performance by the Victorian Trade Union Choir. After the commemoration ceremony we will move to Trades Hall and join a large Building Unions Rally.

Where: Argyle Place, Lygon St (two blocks north of Trades Hall)
9.20am: (ceremony commencing at 9.30), and concluding with wreath laying and the Victorian Trade Union Choir
10.00am: Moving down to the Trades Hall (corner Victoria and Lygon St) to join the Building Industry Rally March re ABCC interference in OHS. IDSA will then lead the march, which will pause at 11.00am for one minute silence

Morning Tea will be provided afterwards by IDSA (Industrial Deaths Support and Advocacy) and sponsored by WorkSafe Victoria.
Contact: Renata Musolino Renata Musolino

The Gippsland Asbestos Related Diseases Support Inc. (GARDS) will hold its Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony on International Workers’ Memorial Day in memory of workers who die, are injured or fall ill as a result of their work. An ecumenical service will be conducted by Minister Tom Kirchner from Moe Uniting Church . Singer/Musician Danny Boothman and the GARDS Scottish bag pipers David Duncan and Bill Dunbar will be participating. Speakers include Kellie O'Callaghan, Mayor of La Trobe City; John Parker, Secretary of Gippsland Trades & Labour Council; and Vicki Hamilton Secretary of GARDS. For more information contact Vicki Hamilton on 0407274173.

Where: Centenary Rose Garden, Commercial Road, Morwell
When: 11.00am Tuesday April 28th. After the ceremony there will be a free community BBQ lunch with the compliments of the Gippsland Trades & Labour Council
