National Day of Action to End Live Export

Date and Time: 
Saturday, June 18, 2011 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
Parliament House, Spring St

Join Us and Thousands of Others Around Australia This Saturday to Help Animals (Rallies will be held at all State Parliament Houses as well as in regional areas). If you’re in Pakenham, you can join the Pakenham Rally to End Live Exports at Burke Park - between Station St & Railway Ave, Pakenham from 10am onwards, Saturday June 18. If you’re in Western VIC (Portland, Warrnambool, Hamilton), you can join the Rally to End Live Exports in Mount Gambier, Ferrers St, outside Council Chambers at 12pm, Saturday June 18.

ALV supports a total ban on live export because it is horrifically cruel and it uses animals as the slaves and property of humans. Since the gruesome footage taken in Indonesia was shown nationally on 4 Corners, meat consumption has fallen 15 - 20% here in Australia. The public are connecting the dots that all animals suffer in abattoirs no matter where they are - 'humane’ killing is a fallacy. ALV has documented the fear and brutality in Australian abattoirs. Don't let this opportunity to speak out for animals, while the whole of Australia is listening, pass - see you there
