MURAC Film screening: Woomera Breakout

Date and Time: 
Thursday, May 26, 2011 -
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Melbourne Uni, Second Floor, Union House

'Azadi', meaning 'Freedom' in Farsi, was the chant of refugees and activists meeting face to face as they tore down the fences of Woomera Detention Center in the Easter of 2002.

Over 6000 Refugees remain in detention, 1000 of whom are children.
The return of Temporary Protection Visas and the introduction of Chris Bowen's 'Character Test' are a reminder of the need to rebuild a movement to stand up for refugee rights. In the face... of the Labor government's return to the inhumane policies of the Howard Era, it's time to revisit the last time refugees fought back and turned the tide of public opinion against racism in Australia.

Join the Melbourne Uni Refugee Action Collective for a screening of 'Woomera Breakout', an inspiring and heartwrenching documentary about the 2002 protest which succeeded in freeing a number of refugees from the fences of Australia's prison camps.

MURAC is a diverse coalition of students united in our opposition to the inhumane treatment asylum seekers receive at the hands of the Australian government. We meet regularly on the second floor of Union House, 12:30pm every Thursday.

Find us on facebook at
