Melbourne Indymedia Collective Meeting

Date and Time: 
Saturday, November 14, 2009 -
2:00pm to 5:00pm
Contact Name: 
Email us via the contact page and we will let you know the location of the meeting

Indymedia is a collective of grassroots media-makers providing a platform for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate coverage of struggles and movements working for social, environmental and economic justice. Everyone is a witness. Everyone is a journalist.

If you want to get involved in editing and content creation, promotion or the tech side of the site then all are welcome. Help us build a vibrant activist media in Melbourne.



Do you know anyone who can create websites and would like a bit of work?

I've been asked to organise the the redsign and relocation of the West Gate Bridge Accident Memorial site

Will pay at going/union rate.

Please put someone in touch with me if you can.


Dan Murphy
CFMEU, Victorian Branch

"If Indymedia ran a Tor relay on the same IP address as their website, people using Tor to get to the Indymedia website would automatically exit from their Tor relay, thus getting *better* encryption and authentication properties than just browsing there the normal way."