Melbourne Benefit Screening of Operation 8 with Gary Foley

Date and Time: 
Thursday, February 9, 2012 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
PDF icon op8officalselectionposter.pdf5.37 MB
Cinema 4 @ cinema nova

Operation 8: Deep in the forest. February 9. 7pm. Nova cinema 4.
Tickets and payment on the door. $15 all profits go towards support for the Urewera 4 still on trial. Please reserve tickets via Please do not reserve more tickets than you need as tickets are limited.
Reflections on Operation 8 & Q&A hosted by Gary Foley after the screening.
Taame, Rangi, Emily and Urs, are the last to still face charges from the state terror raids of 15th October 2007 and their trial will start on 13th February 2012 in the Auckland High Court. This date has been confirmed which means we all have less than ONE MONTH to get ready and do what we can to support.

OPERATION 8:Deep in the forest.
On October 15 2007, activists around New Zealand woke to guns in their faces. Black-clad police smashed down doors, dragging families out onto roads and detaining some
without food or water. In the village of Ruatoki, helicopters hovered while locals were stopped at roadblocks. Operation 8 involved 18 months of invasive surveillance of Maori
sovereignty and peace activists
accused of attending terrorist
training camps in the Urewera ranges – homeland of the Tuhoe people.
Operation 8 asks why and how the raids took place. How did the War on Terror become a global witch-hunt of political dissenters reaching
even to the South Pacific?
