MCAGS - Melbourne Climate Action Groups Meeting 2012

Date and Time: 
Saturday, February 11, 2012 -
9:00am to 5:00pm
South Melbourne Commons:

A Melbourne Climate Action Groups (MCAGs) meeting will be held from 9:00am-5pm on Saturday February 11th (NOTE change of date) at South Melbourne Commons:

The proposal is for a plenary followed by an open space meeting where workshop topics are decided by the attendees on the day. Below is an outline of the general structure.

The organising will be finalised at an open meeting at FoE Melbourne (Smith St, Collingwood) on Tuesday 24th January at 6:30pm. Contact Brett at brett[AT] for more details or to give suggestions or comments.

Draft structure of the day:

Entry by donation. Stalls around $10/each.

9-9:30 Welcome, convene, acknowledge traditional owners and discuss workshop open spaces (explain and get indications of interest in order to schedule and prioritise
workshops, avoid clashes, etc)

9:30-10:45: Opening plenary: 2-4 speakers on where to from here in international, national and state arenas.

10:45 Morning tea

11-12: First open space working groups

12-1: Lunch

1-2: Second open space working groups (or carried over discussion from first session where necessary)

2-3: Third open space/or others carried over where necessary

3: Afternoon tea

3:15-5: General Assembly: reportbacks from working groups & discussion of ideas
