Mayan Dreaming: Zapatista "Schools for Chiapas" Sydney Tour: AN EVENING WITH PETER BROWN

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Sunday, November 3, 2013 - 2:00pm to Wednesday, November 13, 2013 - 7:30pm
Contact Email:
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Contact Name: 
Peter Brown
Jura Books (440 Parramatta Road, Petersham), Red Rattler (6 Faversham Street Marrickville), schools, and personal homes.

"The indigenous Mayan rebels of Chiapas, Mexico have practiced 'learning while walking' during their 30 year-old effort to build a new and better world guided by dignity, democracy, and justice," commented public school teacher Peter Brown. "I hope that the traditional caretakers of your lands will grant us permission for a productive and meaningful exchange during the month of November 2013."

Schools for Chiapas founding member Peter Brown comes to Sydney, armed with a wealth of knowledge and experience from 20 years of working with the Zapatista rebellious communities of Chiapas, Mexico. He is coming to Australia to garner support for Zapatista education including schools, ecological agriculture, heath, and women's empowerment through producers' cooperatives.

Brown's immersion in and involvement with the Zapatista movement has allowed him to bear witness to incredible stories of contemporary indigenous resistance by the Mayan peoples of southeastern Mexico. Some inspirational developments are currently occurring in Chiapas, as the Zapatistas cement their autonomous existence within the international community. This is a rare opportunity to hear about the Zapatista struggle and liberation throughout the last two decades from a man who has been involved with the movement from a grassroots level for many years.

A LITTLE MORE ABOUT PETER BROWN and his work in Chiapas;

Read this one page document -

or this short video clip:
