May Day Melbourne

Date and Time: 
Sunday, May 1, 2011 -
12:30pm to 3:30pm
Melbourne Trades Hall Corner of Victoria and Lygon St

Since 1886 May 1st has been the Workers’ day around the world. It is a time when workers and their organizations celebrate their struggles and their victories.

May Day marches in Victoria started in 1893 and continue to this day.

The rich have been making the working class of the world pay for their economic crisis but millions around the world have stood up for themselves, organised and fought back.

This year we march in the year of the Revolutions. Workers in the Middle East and North Africa are pushing themselves forward in great revolutionary struggles. The fall of dictators in Tunisia and Egypt, the general strikes across Europe, the workers occupations in America: this year has a lot to celebrate.

Here in Melbourne we will stand in that tradition, we will celebrate and we will march for socialism.
