Made in Brunswick: balancing art and buildings (Melbourne)

Date and Time: 
Thursday, April 7, 2011 - 7:15pm
Studio 246 Merri Street Brunswick, Australia

"Brunswick and the City of Moreland are home to a vibrant, dynamic creative community. Now is the time to decide whether we want to keep it, foster it and grow it or whether it will be pushed out by rents and real estate prices." Marcus Westbury

Hear Marcus Westbury of Renew Newcastle speak at Made in Brunswick together with Eleni Arbus of Creative Spaces, City of Melbourne.

Participants will:
- Set their own agenda around the topic of the arts in Brunswick
- Put anything on the agenda that’s required
- Have as many parallel discussions as they feel is necessary
- Identify what they feel needs to happen or be discussed
- Participate in any and all conversations where they feel they can contribute or learn, and
- Take personal responsibility for ensuring there are tangible outputs.

RSVP essential by 5 April 2011: email or phone 9240 2268. Places are limited. Food and drink provided.
