Let the refugees into Australia

Date and Time: 
Saturday, December 5, 2009 -
2:00pm to 4:00pm
Contact Name: 
State Library (Cnr Swanston and LaTrobe Sts)

When Kevin Rudd took power in 2007, many were hopeful that the dark days of Howard’s racism were behind us – the days of kids in detention, refugees dying at sea trying to make it Australia, and the Tampa.

Unfortunately Labor’s policies are not so different from the Liberals. More than 1,200 men, women and children are currently locked up in a maximum security detention centre on Christmas Island, while hundreds more are on boats in Indonesian harbours being used as pawns in a deadly game of diplomacy between Australia and Indonesia.

Once again it’s time to stand up and be counted, to stand up to the racist lies about asylum seekers, and to stand up for basic human rights.
