Law for Activists and Campaigners

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Sunday, April 22, 2012 -
12:15pm to 5:30pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Katrina Bercov
445 Hay St, Perth

Want to change the world, but unsure about the legalities?

Join Solicitors Kate Davis & Cameron Poustie for an accessible community workshop about what to be aware of.

To book for "Law for Activists" please see
· Do we have a Legal Right to protest?
· Defamation, Littering, Freedom of Information
· Criminal Law for Activists
· Environmental and Planning Law in WA
· Using the Law to protect the Environment

Featured guest speaker: pioneering activist / ex-Senator Jo Vallentine
"My experiences of being arrested as an activist"

Workshop 12.15pm-5pm then 5pm “Pollie drinks” & networking with
Senator Scott Ludlam & MLCs: Giz Watson, Lynn MacLaren & Robin Chapple

Cost inc. materials & refreshments: $45 org / $30 waged / $15 unwaged.
Scholarships available: if you genuinely can not afford even our unwaged price, please e-mail us to request a scholarship.

To book for "Law for Activists" please see
Location: GWA Office, 445 Hay St, Perth

Presented by the Greens WA.
