Launch of community owned solar farm cooperative in Upwey

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 -
7:30pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email:
Burrunja, 351 Glenfern Rd, Upwey

Laucnh of the Ranges Energy solar co-operative. Learn about how the cooperative plans to install a large solar installation in the Dandenong Ranges by early next year.

Guest speakers at the launch will talk about similar projects in Europe and there will be a speaker from Hepburn Wind Cooperative.



If we can't have a McDonalds in Tecoma there is no way you can have a solar farm in Upwey it will be a eye sore, and the Yellow tailed Blue nacker bagged sparrow will be endangered if this goes ahead it could even turn the nacker bag of the sparrow Red because of the extra reflection from the solar pannels we can not just stand there and watch the sparrows nacker bag turn red I think a nuclear installation would be a safer option.