Latin American, Australian & Asia Pacific Solidarity gathering

Date and Time: 
Friday, October 15, 2010 - 10:00am to Sunday, October 17, 2010 - 5:30pm
Melbourne, Victoria Trades Hall

Latin American, Australian & Asia Pacific Solidarity gathering
-Defending workers and Indigenous Rights-
"Building bridges and global resistance against Multinational Corporations"

For three days- October 15-17, 2010 -grass roots representatives from a range of organisations and movements will share ideas, experiences and stories of struggle inside their own countries against global capitalism.

The abhorrent business practices of Multinational Corporations, and the struggles against them, will be the central focus of this gathering. It follows that space will be created for discussions on the implications of Free Trade agreements, the imposition of the Initiative for the Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America (IIRSA), the implementation of US plans for Central and North America, and more broadly, borderless capital. We are operating from the perspective that Multinational Corporations and the above mentioned initiatives are operating only to benefit the privileged few at the expense of the majority of peoples; to reinforce exploitation of poor people, smash unionism and undermine workers rights, terrorism and murder union activists, displace and assimilating Indigenous communities, and trash our natural resources and environment.

The following Corporations will be central to our discussions:

BHP, Rio Tinto, Barrick Gold, Coca-Cola, Fonterra,Chiquita Brand, Monsanto, Drummond, Nestle, BP and others.

This gathering will be very significant for the working people and Indigenous communities of Latin America, Australia and the Asia Pacific regions. Many grassroots organisations will gather together to discuss and plan new actions and coordination. Moreover, we aim to strengthen the links between popular grassroots movements, encourage and strengthen struggles, and build international solidarity. We desire your involvement both at this gathering and in assisting to organise it.

Objectives of this Gathering:

-To share experiences of struggle to inform and build solidarity.

- The creation of a popular/community tribunal/ watchdog to monitor and disseminate publicly the behavior of Multinationals

- Consolidate existing- and forge new- relationships to continue and enrich our global struggles.

- Achieve a clear resolution on united and internationalist action against corporate tyranny.

-We acknowledge that struggles are won when oppressed peoples regain control over their everyday lives. We, therefore, desire the creation of an inclusive international network focused on achieving these results.

Hope to see you at our next organising meeting- Tuesday June 22, 7 pm at the Greek Democritus League, 583 High St. Northcote

Our first fundraising event will be Saturday July 3rd from 2pm, also at the Greek Democritus League.

International organisations and peoples represented at this gathering are:

Mine workers’ union from Colombia
Copper workers’ Confederation from Chile
Factory Workers from Bolivia
Factory under Workers control from Argentina (Zanon)
Indigenous communities from Colombia
Indigenous Mapuche from Chile
Indigenous national organisation from Ecuador
Communal peoples from Venezuela.
Workers Landless Movement form Brazil (MST)
Indigenous representative from NT opposing intervention
Indigenous representatives affected by multinationals in Australia
New Zealand Maori
West Papuan representative
Bougainville Indigenous fighting Rio Tinto
Pacific Islands TBC

Organised by: Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET)

Supported by:
Lake Cowal campaign
ACE collective from Foe
Honduras coalition
Water and forest collective
Indigenous campaign- no mining no forestry
Greek Democritus League
Australian Trades Union Movement
Unions Tasmania
Unions NSW
CFMEU Mining and Energy
Others tbc



we have a blog up for the gathering now:

According to the LASNET website - - this event has been postponed to November 12-14