Latin American, Australian & Asia Pacific Solidarity Gathering

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Friday, November 12, 2010 - 6:00pm to Sunday, November 14, 2010 - 6:30pm
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Contact Name: 
Rebecca Harrison
Victorian Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton South, Melbourne.

Latin American, Australian & Asia Pacific Solidarity Gathering

Defending workers and Indigenous Rights

"Building bridges and global resistance against Multinational Corporations and global capitalism"

For three days grass roots representatives from a range of organisations and movements will share ideas, experiences and stories of struggle inside their own countries against global capitalism.

The abhorrent business practices of many Multinational Corporations, and the struggles against them, will be the central focus of this gathering. Space will be created for discussions on the implications of Free Trade agreements (Australia-Colombia and others), the imposition of the Initiative for the Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America (IIRSA), the implementation of US plans for Central and North America, and more broadly, the problems raised by capitalist globalisation. Our purpose in coming together is to educate ourselves and one another in order to build new, global models of solidarity to combat the forces of an economic system dominated by corporate interests.

The following Corporations will be central to our discussions:

BHP, Rio Tinto, Barrick Gold, Coca-Cola, Fonterra,Chiquita Brand, Monsanto, Drummond, Nestle, BP and others.

This gathering will be very significant for the working people and Indigenous communities of Latin America, Australia and the Asia Pacific regions. Many grassroots organisations will gather together to discuss and plan new actions and coordination. Moreover, we aim to strengthen the links between popular grassroots movements, encourage and strengthen struggles, and build international solidarity. We desire your involvement both at this gathering and in assisting to organise it.

Objectives of this Gathering:

- To share experiences of struggle to inform and build solidarity.
- The creation of a popular/community tribunal/ watchdog to monitor and disseminate information about the actions of Multinational Corporations.
- To consolidate existing and forge new relationships to continue and enrich our global struggles.
- We acknowledge that struggles are won when oppressed peoples regain control over their everyday lives.
- We, therefore, desire the creation of an inclusive international network focused on achieving these results.

Speakers attending the Gathering include:
• Jaime Deluquez from the Miners Coal Workers Union and Colombia Cut in Colombia.
• Wilman Palmezano from the Wayuu Indigenous Community in Colombia.
• Fredy Sepulveda from SINALTRAINAL (Food and Agro-Industry Workers Union) in Colombia.
• Miguel Suarez from the Mining Workers Federation in Chile.
• Manuel Morales, a Bolivia Workers Factory representative, from Bolivia.
• Juan Contreras, Coordinator of Simon Bolivar in Venezuela.
• Santiago Punina from the CONAIE Indigenous National Council in Ecuador.
• Claudio Tranamil Ñanco from the Mapuche indigenous communities in Chile.
• Paola Masiero from the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) in Brazil.
• Cristina Fermovich, from Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) in the Philippines.
• Clive Porabou, a representative of communities in Bougainville resisting Rio Tinto.
• Barbara Shaw, an NT anti-intervention campaigner and spokesperson for The Intervention Rollback Action Group.
• Representatives from the Australian Trade Union Movement.
• Representatives from New Zealand, West Papua and El Salvador.

Organised by: Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET)

Supported by: Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET), Mothers Are De-mystifying Genetic Engineering, Greek Democritus League, Friends of The Earth, Honduras Coalition, Lake Cowal Campaign, Ace Collective, Water and Forest Collective, Australian Asia Worker Links, Loophole Community Centre, Humanitarian Crisis Hub, GM Cropwatch, 3CR, Food Not Bombs, Australia-Cuba Freidnship Society, Peace Brigade International, LHMU Tasmania, ASU, AWU, MUA, CFMEU.

See for more.
