Kimberley gas hub to be the biggest source of industrial air pollution

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 -
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Conference Room, City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi Street, West Perth

The Kimberley is unique in the world - vast, unspoiled and beautiful - but it also under unprecedented pressure, with plans for multiple mining projects and a lack of real protection for its land and seas.

Dr Sue Graham-Taylor will introduce the evening and speak about these pressures and the impacts from industrialisation of the region.

...Jane Bremmer and David Munut from Alliance for a Clean Environment (ACE) will give presentatio...ns on the air pollution impacts and failings of the Government study in this special presentation on the Kimberley gas hub.

The air pollution study on the gas hub is available to view via

Write your own submission (a letter) to the Government's environment assessment on the gas hub on the night - we'll guide you through it and provide key points that you may like to include. Submissions to the environmental assessment close 28th March.

Where: Conference room, City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi St, West Perth
When: Wed 16th March, 6.30pm

This event is in support of Broome residents who recently held a community action about air pollution concerns and called on the companies not to build the gas hub at James Price Point. You can watch their video here -

The event is free, we hope to see you there.
