Tobias Nganbe & Dominic McCormack - Education in Wadeye and the Thamarrurr Region

WGAR News: Anti-Intervention campaigners speak out over sacking of Olga Havnen: STICS

Newsletter date: 11 November 2012

* Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education: Olga Havnen Presentation
* STICS: Anti-Intervention campaigners speak out over sacking of Olga Havnen
* Dr Janet Hunt: Inconvenient truths of the intervention
* Bob Gosford: Anderson sacks Havnen - a case of two strong hens in the NT henhouse is one too many?
* Background to Olga Havnen's Report
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Natasha Robinson: Lesson in how to play fair [Wadeye, NT]