Kathy Kelly - Voices in the Wilderness USA Prospects for Peace in the Middle East' - reflections of a peace activist

Contact Phone: 
0408 299 981
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 -
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email: 
PDF icon KK_prospects_for_peace.pdf372.84 KB
Church of All Nations 180 Palmerston Street Carlton

Public Lecture: prospects for peace in the Palestine/Israel: Kathy Kelly

Nominated three times for The Nobel Peace Prize
Described as probably the most respected leader in the American peace movement, Kathy has invested her life in search of non-military solutions to end wars, often at great
personal cost. Kathy has lived in war zones, sharing the dangers with civilians in
Nicaragua, Gaza, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Leaflet for event attached.
