International Day of Protest - Occupy Melbourne - October 15th 2011

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Saturday, October 15, 2011 - 12:00pm to Sunday, October 16, 2011 - 12:45am
Contact Email:
Image icon FED.jpg50.41 KB
Contact Name: 
Alex Gard
Federation Square (unless TBA)

"NON-VIOLENTLY sending a message to the financial sector worldwide. Australia too is under the same bind of freedom because of monetary policy and corporate greed. Show your support for Occupy Wall Street! Occupy Australia!!!"

Dear all,

I am writing as a call to action for the International Day of Protest due globally on October 15th 2011.

As you may well have heard by now, the Occupy Wall St protests have gained attitude and momentum, and have spread virally across the United States, and now the world, calling for an end to corporate greed and injustice, and a real democracy for all human beings on this planet.

As a part of this movement we are hoping to plan a peaceful, passive protest somewhere in Melbourne CBD, Federation Square has been mentioned as an ideal target. Simultaneous protests are currently being planned in Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Sydney.

Of course we expect: non-violence towards all, co-operation with police, commitment to clean occupational space, liaising with local business and acceptance of different views whether they be left, right or otherwise.

With great respect to the fact that this is quite short notice (just over a fortnight...) we would ask that you consider this protest and that you should be a part of it. This is a call for us as Australians and citizens of this planet to stand up in solidarity without narrow political ideals for our rights to co-exist free from the bonds of political interests swayed heavily by high-end corporate greed and intentions. Jobs are being lost and the poverty line is being pushed further down as a result of the "1%" gearing the financial and political systems towards their own best interest.

We of course are a small grass roots movement with no attachments to any political or religious parties, we feel this is a part of a global movement and a fantastic oppurtunity for all to stand up and let their voices be heard. Any opinions, input or help are of course greatly appreciated and encouraged. And of course if you feel this is a worthy

I ask you to please consider and visit the following link:


Occupy Melbourne:

thanks for your time
