How Ironic art exhibition

Date and Time: 
Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 3:00pm
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Middle Head Sydney Harbour National Park Old Fort Road, Mosman

Aboriginal artists deserve to re-write the history books of Australia.

Mel Tyas, organiser of the exhibition, chose the title, “How Ironic” because a percentage of the money collected, will go to refurbish and look after the land of Middle Head, a historical place, where there are convict-built fortifications that are decaying and in need of repair. So money collected by Aboriginal art will renew and refurbish Middle Head where land was taken away from Aboriginal people so long ago.

There will be some new works and posters for sale.

We must make a special guest list ... if you know any people who would love to attend or even a philanthropist or a person who may help us please pass on this invite to them?

We are so grateful to Susannah Bradshaw of the Foundation, for designing this invitation for us.

You must RSVP for the May 20th opening, and after that on each Sunday for some weeks the exhibition will be open to the public with a series of speakers.

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