'Have a Heart' silent rally for Asylum Seekers

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Friday, November 13, 2009 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
Contact Name: 
on the lawns of St Paul's Cathedral facing Swanston Street

“Have a Heart” group calls for compassion _

Politicians keep telling us that they make no apologies for taking a hard line with Asylum Seekers.

We, the “Have a Heart” group make no apologies in stating that we are asking for compassion.

Human suffering demands flexibility in response. A harsh approach diminishes our own humanity while denying the humanity of those pleading for a secure home.

These views are shared by many Australians. We feel it is time to demand a solution to the plight of those on board the Oceanic Viking. The people who are designated refugees should be brought to Australia for resettlement immediately and those whose claims are not yet decided should have their claims processed immediately.

*_We, the "Have a Heart" group will hold a silent rally on the lawns of St Paul's Cathedral facing Swanston Street from 12 to 2pm tomorrow. Friday the 13th November. _* *_

Should you feel the same,come and join us.
