Give Fergusons Nuclear Waste Bill the thumbs down!

Date and Time: 
Monday, January 17, 2011 -
9:00am to 10:30am
Contact Name: 
ACE collective
Martin Ferguson's Electoral office; 159 high st, Preston

Three days before Christmas the Labor Government concluded a sham committee inquiry giving recommendations to pass Martin Ferguson's National radioactive waste management bill.

Placing extra pressure on Muckaty in the NT.

Traditional Owners of the Muckaty land trust were not given the opportunity to speak to the committee or even to lodge a submission.

Ferguson continues to refuse requests to meet with Traditional Owners opposed to the dump.

Traditional Owners have initiated legal action in the Federal Court & are currently in a mediation process with the Northern Land council & the Federal Government. This is not a good start to a fair mediation.

Minister Ferguson's proposed bill;

Overides State and Territory laws, The bill also allows the minister to override the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 & The Aboriginal Heritage Protection Act 1984

Martin Ferguson plans to pin Muckaty as the only site under consideration, despite the opposition of many Traditional Owners of the Muckaty land trust, the NT Government, Conservationists & many other Australians

Muckaty Traditional Owners are calling for our support to stop the dump.

Now is the time to act!
Please come to the protest on January the 17th at 9am.

Contact the anti- nuclear & clean energy campaign if you can support the campaign in other ways.

Media Contact: Dr Jim Green, Friends of the Earth National nuclear free campaigner, 0417318368,
