Get together to found a public housing action group.

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Sunday, June 19, 2011 -
2:00pm to 5:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Jeremy Dixon
Railway House, 20 Solly Ave North Carlton (near corner Lygon and Park Sts)

Aim is to set up an organization to "defend and extend" public housing. We want not only to resist the present plans in Victoria to transfer large amount of public housing stock to the "housing associations" but to support public housing as a social good that should be available to all, like clean water or public schooling

Plans for event are still fluid at this stage but there is a BBQ available and we expect to have a few speakers. The main point of the get together is for people to talk to each other and begin to organize an effective group. This page can be used to begin that process.

Railway House is the neighbourhood house close to the Princes Hill housing estate.



I've just set up an email group at for those who want to ask questions/discuss the issues before the meeting (please do!).

This is also a facebook "event", , where there is some discussion but of course not everyone has or wants access to facebook.....
