Get the low down on the Basin Plan and how it could save the Murray

Contact Phone: 
9341 8165
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Domenica Settle
Ground floor meeting room, 60L Green Building, 60 Leicester St Carlton

It's not light bed time reading, so get the low down from us.

The Basin Plan is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to turn things around for our over stretched rivers, but it's not... well... the kind of thing you'd read for a bit of light entertainment.

The draft Basin Plan comes out on November 28 and the best way to find out what it could mean for the Australia's food bowl, the Coorong, our river red gums and having a healthy Murray 20 years down the track is to come along to our Basin Plan Low Down evening. You'll hear from Healthy Rivers Campaigner Juliet Le Feuvre, on what's in the draft plan and what it means. You'll also hear from fellow campaigner Domenica Settle on how you can have a say on it. At this stage it's looking pretty bleak, but if enough people speak up we could turn it around, into a plan which looks after the lifeblood of our country, the Mighty Murray, for future generations.

There'll be drinks, nibbles and lots of time for questions.

You don't have to RSVP, but if you do you've got a better chance of us not running out of food and drink! Email us or call Domenica on 9341 8165.
