
WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 17 events from 5 November 2012

Newsletter date: 5 November 2012

Updated 22 November 2012 to include new venue for the Adelaide Book Launch on Sun 9 Dec 12

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 5 November 2012: Glebe, Sydney, NSW
Book Launch: A Decision to Discriminate
Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory
To be launched by:
* Graeme Mundine, respected Aboriginal leader and
Executive Officer of Australian Catholic Ministry in Sydney
* Deni Langman, Traditional Owner from
Uluru in Central Australia
* Jeff McMullen AM, well known Journalist and
Indigenous advocate

FMG/Yindjibarndi - mining deal bombshell - whistleblower blows the lid on Wirlu-murra

The National Indigenous Times has run the story of the year - reporter Gerry Georgatos covers solicitor Kerry Savas' claims which blows the lid on the Wirlu murra and FMG - circulate this story, it's the big one that may change things - http://nit.com.au/news/2167-exclusive-mining-deal-bombshell.html
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation—BULLETIN
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Nauru - Governments normalising racism while people suffer and die - "there is the smell of death here"

Gerry Georgatos
The veils and layers of racism are myriad – a trickle of humanity flees from persecution and horrific conditions, from civil strife, to our shores and Australian Governments react with racism, fall into the trap of justifying their racist actions, deeds and words and then normalise the racism and stereotype peoples.


Royal Commission or bust on the AWU scandal and Prime Minister Julia Gillard - there is no other way

ROYAL COMMISSION or bust into AWU scandal and Prime Minister Julia Gillard, it goes to the highest office in the country with too many involved - from Gillard, Shorten, Ludwig, Roxon and others and of course McClelland too. The questions out there are so many, the allegations everywhere that not having a Royal Commission is bull dust and a different set of rules for the privileged and the elite.

Go to:


and for today's news:

CLIMATE of DEATH - justice denied means more will die

CLIMATE of DEATH - justice denied means more will die, by Gerry Georgatos (courtesy of the National Indigenous Times - nit.com.au)

"We have to get rid of racist cops. I don't want to dwell on the past but I have grown up bitter," said Nyungar Elder Ben Taylor. Mr Taylor is on the mark when he says, "They have been killing our people for two hundred years."


A history of mandatory detention - presented by the Refugees Rights Action Network Perth

As part of the 20th year anniversary of mandatory detention, Refugees Rights Action Network Perth hosted a special forum examining the history of mandatory detention of refugees, the case against it and the role activism has played in challenging it. Guest speakers included activists who have been involved in the campaign for 20 years, who have seen the political and public landscape surrounding refugees transform into what it is today. The growth and change of the campaign against it was also examined.

Dexamphetamine and ADHD cons - Mental health policies must move from medication to recovery

Gerry Georgatos
"In Western Australia, 1989, 880 people were prescribed stimulant medication (for ADHD). By the year 2000 this had increased to 20,648, with the WA Health Department estimating 18,000 prescriptions having been issued to children. By 2002 WA prescription rates were amongst the highest in the world, exceeding the US national average,” said Martin Whitely.


Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam, an alliance of views calling out to the Australian consciousness

On Jun 06, 2012 former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser delivered the 2012 Whitlam Oration to the Whitlam Institute in Sydney. Despite the chasm of differences and political ambitions of Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam they are both a far cry from the bottom of the barrel politics and personal ambitions of some our nation's contemporary crop of most prominent politicians.


Malcolm Fraser writes Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison have nothing to be proud about in their race to the bottom of the barrel

From occasional commentator and former PM, Malcom Fraser, via http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/abbotts-evil-policy-work-20120617...

The Coalition's latest asylum seeker plan is inhumane and lacks integrity.

TONY Abbott and Scott Morrison recently stood in front of Australia and proudly presented the Coalition's plan to ''ensure integrity and restore confidence in refugee assessment''. There is not much to be proud about in this policy. The announcement was based on misinformed and misleading information that plays straight into the unfounded public fear of asylum seekers.