GECO punki gig - bushwalk - skillshare

Contact Phone: 
03 5154 0108
Date and Time: 
Monday, January 3, 2011 - 6:00pm to Thursday, January 6, 2011 - 5:00pm
Contact Email: 
Goongerah Roadhouse Camping at Ellery Creek.

The annual Goongerah Skill share is on to get skilled up, walked up and punked up for protecting East Gippsland's ancient forests from the chain saw.

Camping at Ellery Creek.

For directions and info call 03 5154 0108 or email britchapman(at)

January 3rd - 6PM Punk Gig
January 5th - Guided Bushwalk
January 6th - GECO Skillshare
