Fremantle 'Refugee Welcome Fiesta: Walk Together'

Contact Phone: 
0439 475 174
Date and Time: 
Saturday, June 22, 2013 -
11:00am to 3:00pm
Contact Email:
PDF icon Ref Welcome Fiesta eflyer.pdf412.3 KB
Contact Name: 
Leonie Lundy
Fremantle Esplande- The Harmony Walk through Fremantle begins at 1pm

Come along early or stay afterwards for the Refugee Welcome Fiesta at the Fremantle Esplande, which features middle eastern dancing, global food stalls, buskers, arts and craft and lots more to do & see.

For the Harmony Walk- Please Meet at the Refugee Welcome Fiesta at the Fremantle Esplanade at 1.00 pm. We will then walk through Fremantle together before returning to the Esplanade at 1.20 pm.

World Refugee Week celebrates a diverse and welcoming Australia!

'Walk Together' is an opportunity for Australians in every capital city to join together in solidarity with asylum seekers, refugees & other new Australians. A diverse range of Australians will walk in unity, symbolically calling for an end to the politics of division & making a positive statement for multicultural diversity.

Show your commitment to our vision of Australia as a welcoming country, where people are brought together by hope, not isolated by fear & where the stories & contributions of all people are celebrated. Bring your friends & family - all are welcome!
