Forum with Valerie Martin from Yuendumu and Chris Graham, Editor of Tracker

Date and Time: 
Friday, July 8, 2011 -
6:30pm to 9:30pm
Trades Hall Corner of Lygo and Victoria Streets, Carlton

Valerie Martin is a Yuendumu resident, on one of the "hub towns" under the governments Northern Territory Intervention. Valerie, a Warlpiri speaker, has recently been in Darwin for the Prescribed Area People's Alliance launching of the "Rebuilding from the Ground Up" document, an alternative to the NT Intervention, created by Intervention Rollback Action Group, Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney and Concerned Australians.

Chris Graham is a Walkley award winning journalist who is the editor of the recently launched Tracker magazine, a magazine funded by the NSW Land Council. Chris has spoken often about the series of lies that were used to justify the introduction of the Intervention. He has previously written for the National Indigenous Times.



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