Film Night: A Jail in Colombia

Date and Time: 
Friday, September 24, 2010 -
6:30pm to 9:00pm
LASNET Office, Trades Hall basement

Join LASNET for an evening of film and discussion. Entry is free, but donations to maintain the space are appreciated. BYO food or drink.

Description of the film by the studio:

A look inside the La Modelo prison in Bogota. Colombia. Called a "model" prison by Colombia officials the prison in reality is controlled more by the prisoners than the guards. With 5000 prisoners for 2400 spots, and not more than 150 security guards assigned to the prison. The prison is awash in violence, and drugs. Last year, 162 prisoners were killed there. The prison is controlled by three criminal groups: members of the guerrilla movement, paramilitary forces, and cocaine traffickers. They have broken the prison up into three different territories and each group has it's own security forces, defending it's own territory.
