WGAR News: Highest child removal rates in the world - worse than Stolen Generations: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer
* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Highest child removal rates in the world - worse than Stolen Generations
* Audio Interview: Louise Evans, 4ZZZ Brisbane: Veronica Saunders of Grandmothers Against Removals: the theft of Aboriginal children from their families
* Video Doco: Eleanor Gilbert, Vimeo: Aboriginal Grandmothers present 'end genocide' demand to Senator Rachel Siewert
* Video Doco: Eleanor Gilbert, Vimeo: Grandmothers Against Removals speakout at Aboriginal Embassy, Canberra
* Audio: The Stringer Audio/Radio News: Paddy speaking about Grandmother Audrey Martin's grandchildren
* Audio: The Stringer Audio/Radio News: Paddy speaking about the high removal rates
* News: Kylie Galbraith, The Northern Daily Leader: Grandmothers' anti-removal campaign reaches Canberra
* Media Roundup: Diet Simon, Linksunten Indymedia: Grandmothers protest worst ever stealing of Australian Aboriginal children
* Photos: Workers Bush Telegraph: Grandparents against Removals [Protest at Parliament House, Canberra]
* Video: NITV News - 13 February 2015: Fighting for their kids - Grandmothers Against Removals tell their stories
* Video: NITV News - 13 February 2015: Grandmothers Against Removals: Hands off our children
* Audio: ABC AM: More Aboriginal children being removed from their homes than ever before [Featuring Vanessa Colbung and Olivia Nigro of GMAR]
* Audio: 130215 Living Black News Bulletin: Grandmothers Against Removals protest at Parliament House
* Audio: Gerry Georgatos, NIRS: Protest against 'cruel' removal of Aboriginal kids [Featuring Aunty Hazel Collins of GMAR]
* Audio: Gerry Georgatos, NIRS: Greens: High removal rates to continue unless funding boosted
* Speech: miacat: Mary Moore's Speech at Grandmothers Against Removal's Rally Feb 13th - Canberra
* News: Latika Bourke, SMH: Kevin Rudd warns of the emergence of a new stolen generation
* Homepage of the Grandmothers Against Removals website: http://stopstolengenerations.com.au/
* Facebook: Stop Stolen Generations: https://www.facebook.com/stopstolengenerations
* WGAR Background: Removal of Aboriginal children and the continuing Stolen Generation
WGAR News: Communique from Grandmothers Against Removals National Committee and the Aboriginal Tent Embassy rally - 13 February 2015
* Statement: 13 Feb 2015 - National Statement marking the Anniversary of the National Apology
Communique from Grandmothers Against Removals National Committee and the Aboriginal Tent Embassy rally on the anniversary of the National Apology - February 13 2015
* Audio: Gerry Georgatos, NIRS: Grannies group protest marks apology anniversary [Featuring Grandmother Priscilla Whiteman]
* Audio: Gerry Georgatos, NIRS: Child welfare rally to coincide with National Apology anniversary [Featuring Aunty Hazel Collins of GMAR]
* Audio: NIRS: Plea for policy change underscores seventh apology anniversary [Featuring SNAICC CEO Frank Hytten & Aunty Hazel Collins]
* Audio Interview: Steven Riggall & Louise Evans, The Wire: Grannies highlight impact of Aboriginal child removals [Featuring Olivia Nigro & Aunty Veronica Saunders of GMAR]
* Video: NITV News - 13 February 2015: Grandmothers Against Removals protest at Parliament House, Canberra
* Analysis / Opinion: Amy McQuire, New Matilda: 'It Must Never Happen Again': Seven Years On From The Apology, Guess What Is Happening
* News: Shalailah Medhora, The Guardian: Stolen generations: children still being removed, say Indigenous protesters
* Flyer: Join Our Fight Against Ongoing Stolen Generations: National Protest 13 February 2015 Outside Parliament House Canberra! Marking 7th anniversary of national apology
* Audio: Life Matters, ABC Radio National: The increase in Indigenous child removals [Featuring Debra Swan of GMAR, Jeremy Sammut, Sue-Anne Hunter & Deidre Mulkerin]
* Video: NITV News - 12 February 2015: "Fighting for their kids; The Grandmothers Against Removals tell their story in the nation's capital."
* Audio & Article: Darren Mara, SBS News: Stolen Generations forum marks Apology anniversary
* Media Alert: "Stolen Generations are worse than ever before", testify affected Aboriginal Families on Anniversary of National Apology
10am Thursday 12 February, 2015 - Room S23, Federal Parliament House - Hosted by Greens Senator Rachel Siewert
* News: Emma Sleath, ABC Alice Springs: 'Give back our children', Aboriginal grandmother says
* Homepage of the Grandmothers Against Removals website: http://stopstolengenerations.com.au/
* Facebook: Stop Stolen Generations: https://www.facebook.com/stopstolengenerations
* WGAR Background: Removal of Aboriginal children and the continuing Stolen Generation
* Audio: Justin Fenwick, The Wire: Aboriginal rights in the hands of a new generation [Featuring Gerry Georgatos, Tauto Sansbury, Michael Mansell & Debra Swan of GMAR]
WGAR News: Aboriginal Sovereign Manifesto of Demands - National Aboriginal Freedom Movement
WGAR News: National Protest in Canberra on 13 February 2015: Join the fight against ongoing Stolen Generations!
* Upcoming Event: Stoptheintervention_announce:
National Protest in Canberra on 13 February 2015:
Join the fight against ongoing Stolen Generations!
* Upcoming Event: Facebook: 13 February at 12:00; Canberra
- Sorry means you don't do it again
* Fundraising: IRAG_announce:
Child removal protest financial appeal - Canberra February 13
* Homepage of Grandmothers Against Removals (GMAR): http://stopstolengenerations.com.au/
* Facebook: Stop Stolen Generations: https://www.facebook.com/stopstolengenerations
* WGAR Background: Removal of Aboriginal children and the continuing Stolen Generation
WGAR News: SNAICC: Community meeting on the crisis of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child removals [2pm; 12 Feb]
* Event: 12 February 2015 Canberra: SNAICC invites feedback from GMAR and families affected by Stolen Generations
* Media Release: SNAICC: Community meeting on the crisis of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child removals
* SNAICC Community Announcement: 13 February 2015: Grandmothers Against Removals march to Parliament House
* News: Cassandra Tim, NIRS: Family rights advocates to head to Canberra for protest
* Analysis / Opinion: MedicalXpress: Shocking new figures show Indigenous child removal crisis is getting worse
* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Royal Commission, public hearings but children removed in record numbers
* Analysis / Opinion: Xavier Smerdon, Pro Bono: Indigenous Children in Care Up 65 Per Cent Since National Apology
* Homepage of the Grandmothers Against Removals website: http://stopstolengenerations.com.au/
* Facebook: Stop Stolen Generations: https://www.facebook.com/stopstolengenerations
* WGAR Background: Removal of Aboriginal children and the continuing Stolen Generation
WGAR News Public Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-GB#!forum/wgar-news
WGAR News - Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
6th SNAICC National Conference - 15-17 September 2015, Perth
- Upcoming Event
6th SNAICC National Conference - 15-17 September 2015, Perth
For Our Children - Community Voices: Sharing Knowledge & Practice
Hosted by The Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC)
" ... This will be the first SNAICC National conference held at Perth's Convention Centre, located on the northern bank of the Swan River in the land of the traditional owners the Noongar people. ...
The conference has become the largest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family issues conference in the southern hemisphere. It will feature local and international keynote speakers and over 70 concurrent sessions, yarning circles and workshops to choose from.
Delegates and speakers will gather from around the country and some from overseas to discuss our challenges and share our knowledge and experiences in raising happy, healthy and confident children in our communities.
As well as providing a powerful and inspiring learning experience for all attendees it will also provide opportunities to meet and experience some the richness and culture of our Aboriginal communities in the west. ... "
[WGAR Ed. note: Early Bird registration to the conference will open from 4 May 2015. To register and for all the latest updates visit the conference website at www.snaicc.org.au/conference ]