This newsletter:
* 25/26/27 January 2015 Freedom Summit Canberra events:
-- Sun 25th January - Last Day of Freedom
--- Workshops on the Urgent Issues: Aboriginal Tent Embassy
-- Mon 26th January - National Day of Mourning
--- Community Walk 26th Jan 10:30am: Assembly at Garema Place Civic to walk to Aboriginal Tent Embassy
--- Early Afternoon - The 2015 Isabell Coe Memorial Sovereignty Lecture
--- Workshops on the Urgent Issues: Aboriginal Tent Embassy
-- Tue 27th January - First Day of Resistance
--- National Convergence on Canberra Sit-In Protest: Assembly at Aboriginal Tent Embassy to walk to Capital Hill Parliament House
--- Workshops on the Urgent Issues: Aboriginal Tent Embassy
* National Freedom Movement - lead-in forums to the January 27 Sit-In, Canberra:
-- Thu 15th January 2015: Adelaide Community Forum
-- Sun 18th January 2015: Redfern Community Forum
-- Tue 20th January 2015: Brisbane Community Forum
* Background to Aboriginal Sovereignty Day, Invasion Day, Survival Day and Day of Mourning
* WGAR Background to the National Freedom Movement
* WGAR Background to 'The Freedom Summit'
WGAR News: Delegates speak about the National Freedom Movement's Parliament House Sit-In in Canberra