Equal Love Rally for Equal Marriage Rights(Melbourne)

Date and Time: 
Saturday, March 26, 2011 -
1:00pm to 2:30pm
State Library of Victoria Cnr La Trobe & Swanston sts Melbourne

Equal Love' invites you to join with us on Saturday March 26 at the Victorian State Library, Swanston st Melbourne from 1:00pm for our next protest rally.

Thousands are expected to march alongside one another in solidarity in support of the Australian Federal Government amending the current disciminative law prohibiting same sex marriage.

2010 was an awesome year of action seeing thousands of people come out time and time agai...n to show their support for marriage equality and to say no to the discrimination that continues to be felt within the GBLTI communities from their leaders in government.

We have welcomed many celebrities & community figures that have come out and shown their support. We certainly have continued to make this an issue that politicians simply cannot walk away from.

Because 2010 was such a great success 'Equal Love' want to maintain the same level of activity in 2011 and ask you to join us!

Lets keep supporting each other and marching on the streets until our voices are heard and we successfully rid our country of an outdated, out of touch and discriminative law which currently indicates that one section of society is different than another!

We want full MARRIAGE rights and that includes the word MARRIAGE. No we WILL NOT settle for anything less. Civil Unions will NOT keep us quiet.

Say no to homophobia, no to discrimination and yes to marriage equality!

We don't want any half measures! Full Marriage Rights ALL THE WAY!

This event will be hosted by the awesome duo Dolly Diamond and Luke Gallagher!

Speakers yet to be announced!

We will be giving away prizes for the best placards and banners, the major prize being a night in the #2 most trendiest hotel in the world- The Cullen Hotel! Don't miss it!
