Entering the Ecological Domain: Social-Sacred Perspectives

Date and Time: 
Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 8:00pm to Sunday, April 15, 2012 - 4:00pm
Moora Moora Cooperative Community

The workshop reconsiders us as part of nature with all imensions of our being. It challenges our separation from nature as a false
We share in the hope for humanity as a constructive partner with the rest
of the earth's ecology. We explore the interconnections between person,
community, senses of place and local ecosystems.

We will explore the meaning of ecology as we enter into the ecology of
a particular place shaped as it is by its wildness, its human built and its
human perceived. The fusion of Social and Sacred Ecology joins the human-
centredness of the social, the transcendence of the sacred, with the
interconnectedness of the web of life.

Participants are encouraged to participate in critical analysis and personal
reflection. It will be personally and interpersonally challenging. They are asked
to come with an openness to look within and without; in place and with a
community of fellow explorers.


Dr Peter Cock is co-founder and member of the Moora Moora cooperative
community, is on the Council of the Sustainable Living Foundation and teaches
in the Oases Graduate Program for Integral and Transformative Learning. He
taught Sociology and Environmental Science at Monash University for 30 years
in Eco-psychology, Eco-policy and Action, and Conserver Society.

Sandra Cock is a psychologist and former teacher with extensive
professional experience in counselling and training in individual, couple,
group and organisational settings.

Where: Moora Moora Cooperative Community

When: Thursday 12 of April from 8pm till Sunday the 15th till 4pm.

Fee: $350.00. Concessions are available. This includes accommodation and food because it is part of the Oases program and there are a few places available.

For further information see www.socialsacredecology.org

Contact: Peter at peter@mooramoora.org.au or 0422 426 144
