DOCS child-stealing challenged in open court, Brisbane on Tuesday 21st

Contact Phone: 
0429 969 822
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 11:00am
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Brisbane Supreme Court, Bennett v Cork (DOCS), George Street, Brisbane.

For the first time ever, the Qld Department of Child Safety (DOCS) is being challenged in open court - the Qld Supreme Court - this Tuesday, 21st February.
A mother, Kerri, who has had her children taken from her and given to a pedophile father, has managed to get subpoenas taken out against four Departments, including Police, Health and DOCS, which means they MUST give over information which will show their corruption. (Highly paid Department barristers will be there to give excuses as to why they should not give over this information).
This hearing can be attended by the public, who should be there to see justice is done (the judge is less likely to do the wrong thing if there are many witnesses).
You are welcome to come to support Kerri, who is succeeding in flushing out the illegal child-stealing/foster care system and the child sexual abuse that is going on. Look for "Bennett v Cork" on the court list and ask for "Kate" or "Bruce" or "Real Justice". RealJustice will have legally trained people there to assist Kerri, but we need your help. We do not want rabble rousing rioters but genuine supporters who want to see justice done for all our children (especially those who have been illegally stolen by DOCS workers and fed to the corrupt Childrens and Family Courts system). See for contact details.



The powers that be are hard at work to reduce the population of the world.

Good for her! I give her my best wishes. Having left my exhusband a year ago an being given a NO-CONTACT DVO for myself and children against him, I was shocked to discover that he was entitled to access to the kids. What the hell is that! Much more needs to be done to secure the protection of children. I hope this action changes many things