Demonstration against the Church of Scientology & their CHILD ABUSE Cover Ups.

Date and Time: 
Saturday, June 18, 2011 -
1:30pm to 6:30pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
START AT: Flinders Street Station (12.30) -> MOVE TO: Bourke Street Mall (1.00) -> MOVE TO: Church of Scientology Ascot Vale (4.00)

On the 30th of May 2011, elite Scientologist Jan Eastgate (head of Scientology's CCHR front group) and a "Freedom Medal" winner was arrested in Sydney for Perverting the Course of Justice due to allegations of the cover ups of child rape within the Church of Scientology in the '70s.
The allegations against Jan Eastgate state the following:

  • She covered up the rape of an 11 year old girl in the '70s.
  • Told the girl that the rape was her fault. (due to actions in her past life)
  • THREATENED and INTIMIDATED the girl to lie to the police and what to say when asked about it.

All of this was to protect the Church of Scientology from bad publicity.

Covering up the rape of children in order to stop bad PR? Is this something a religion should be doing?

NEWS LINKS: ional/senior-scientologist -jan-eastgate-arrested-charged-in-sydney/story-e6frfkvr-1226066162169

This protest is aimed at educating the public on the dangers of Scientology and the allegations of criminal activity the Church has receieved in the past. Allegations such as Forced Abortions, Brainwashing, Disconnection, etc.
We also aim to educate Scientologists as to what the Church is hiding from them.


- WHERE: Flinders Street Station.
- WHEN: 12.30
-- BEGIN AT 1.00
-- Move to Bourke Street at 1.00
-- Protest / Hand out Fliers / Etc
-- Move to Ascot Vale Org at 3.30
-- PROTEST - PARTY - STOP THE CULT (Speeches Welcome!)


Further details:

