Democracy Action Convergence

Date and Time: 
Saturday, August 17, 2013 -
10:00am to 5:00pm
Melbourne Town Hall

Invitation to a Democracy Action Convergence on Saturday August 17th

Our democracy is a shambles. Personalities dominate over policies, the media and large corporations have inordinate sway over legislation, and the levels of cynicism about politics and distrust in our politicians is sky-high.

What can be done about the sorry state of democracy in Australia? What should a twenty-first century democracy look like and how can we get there? How can we harness the new technologies of participation to give ordinary Australians a fair say in our democracy?

Real Democracy Australia is pleased to invite you to a day of workshops, discussion and stategising to change the way our democracy works, on Saturday August 17th:

  • What: Democracy Action Convergence: change the way our democracy works!
  • When: 10am-5pm Saturday August 17th

This event is for anyone active in addressing these questions, and those who want to find out more. Let’s build a movement of all the individuals, academics, groups and organisations who want a participatory, deliberative and more direct democracy!

The day will bring together Victorian and interstate change-makers who want to share information on projects that are contributing to the rapidly evolving democratic landscape of Australia. We reckon its high time ordinary Australians had a fair say in the decisions that affect them, so lets share ideas and strengthen this network of like-minded people who think the same.

No one will be excluded on financial grounds from the convergence and if you cannot afford the full amount please email in confidence. The organisers of this event are all volunteers and all funds will be used to cover publicity, technical assistance and refreshments. More details can be found on Real Democracy Australia and below. This event is auspiced by The Sharehood and we thank them for their support.

Democracy Action Convergence: putting democracy back on the agenda (10am-5pm - $20, or $25 on the door)

Morning: introductions


  • Welcome: acknowledgment of country, outline of safer spaces policy, introductions and housekeeping.

  • Two minute presentations from up to 30 spokes-people to introduce themselves, their organisation and their project/s.


  • Finalise open space agenda for afternoon - what are the common threads in the projects just outlined? What do people want to learn more about? What are the strategies to get democracy back on the political agenda? Real Democracy Australia will facilitate this participatory process of agenda setting for the afternoon breakout sessions.

Lunch 12.00-1.30pm (please join us at a nearby restaurant)

Afternoon: Open space

1.30pm-2.30pm  Breakout Session 1 multiple parallel sessions as decided above

2.30pm-3.00pm  Tea and coffee break

3.00pm-4.00pm Breakout Session 2

4.00pm-5.00pm Report backs and proposals for further cooperation: 5 minute reports of breakout highlights and proposals coming from each breakout session

5.00pm Close

We look forward to your participation at the Democracy Action Convergence. Please register for both events as soon as possible, and forward this email to anyone you think may be interested.


Craig, Helen, Carl, Nick and Brett

The Democracy Action Convergence Team

