Defend Cement Creek: Localsto join the biggest picnic ever to protect their forests!

Date and Time: 
Sunday, August 14, 2011 -
11:00am to 2:00pm
11 am car-pooling from Warburton, Café Mechanica 11.30 am at Picnic site, 7.5km from the rainforest gully walk, on Acheron Way, look for flags.

The forests of Cement Creek (East Warburton), in one of Melbourne’s pristine water catchments, are under immediate threat from clear fell logging for paper & pulp.

After ten years of campaigning and a rally in Warburton where a thousand attended, Cement Creek was deferred from logging, in 2008. Now local conservationists are alarmed to find Cement Creek rescheduled for logging. They feel heart-broken and disregarded, particularly after just escaping black Saturday where over 400,000 Ha of The Central Highlands was burnt.

Hundreds of people are gathering this Sunday to celebrate the International Year of the Forests within the majestic yet threatened surrounds of Cement Creek. While they share a picnic, music, and information, they will start a new community vision for Cement Creek and the larger area of The Central Highlands.

“These forests do not belong to Vic Forests or the State Government, they are a community asset. We want to see a diversified use of our forests, which strengthens local economies and has a low environmental impact. The scale of the logging we see here is far too great, and is totally unsustainable economically, environmentally and in every way.” Christian Nielsen, Warburton Environment.

Community members will hear from an impressive line up of guest speakers including Greg Barber MLC (Victorian Greens spokesperson on environment), Samantha Dunn Yarra Shire Councillor, Bernard Mace local Scientist, and conservationists from The Wilderness Society, My Environment and Warburton Environment.

“As you know, these forests are of immense value and not only for the local tourism industry. They are a habitat for endangered species including our faunal emblem, the Leadbeater’s Possum and a sanctuary for all life, providing clean air, water and a buffer for climate change”. Bernard Mace Scientist

The clear message to Ted Baillieu from the community, ecologists and the councillors is that we want these forests preserved as soon as possible, for our children and the generations to come.

Sunday, 14th of August
11 am car-pooling from Warburton, Café Mechanica
11.30 am at Picnic site, 7.5km from the rainforest gully walk, on Acheron Way, look for flags.
